Lees de meest recente artikelen over agile leiderschap, teams en eigenaarschap
![Team Ownership Freedom](
How Can Agile Leaders Create the Right Context for Ownership
The core responsibility of the agile leader is creating the right context for the agile teams so they can thrive and self-manage. One of the characteristics of this context is all about ownership. In my book ‘Agile Leadership Toolkit’ I dedicate a whole part to this important topic.
Tags: Ownership, Leadership
Why habits are hard to break and 3 ways to make it easier
It’s not easy to change habits. For many of us, New Year’s resolutions are an opportune way to do so. We make resolutions at the start of the year - to be healthier, kinder, spend more time with family, or other such goals. Unfortunately however, those promises are hard to keep. Generally, by February, 80% of resolutions are already broken.
Tags: Culture, Habits, Improve
Leidinggeven aan zelf-organisatie - 3 praktische tips voor success
To succeed in fast-changing, dynamic markets, organizations must be increasingly flexible and adaptive. Self-managing teams are a key tool in creating such organizations. The design and agility of these teams enables them to respond quickly to evolving market situations, while improving employee engagement and effectiveness. The question is; how should we lead these teams? What are the key focus areas and what do they need – not only to succeed – but to thrive?
Tags: Ownership, Leadership, Self managing teams, Practical